What is Nclex Exam?

Everything that the Nurses require to know about is NCLEX Exam. NCLEX means National Council Licensure Examination which is a nationwide examination for the licensing of nurses in the United Stated, Canada and Australia since 1982 respectively. There are two types of NCLEX-RN and NCLEX-PN. It is the exam that determines whether you are a registered nurse or not. But don’t fret; we are here to groom you to pass this nursing exam from day one.

  • Countries / regions: USA and Canada
  • Knowledge / skills tested: Nursing science
  • Year started: 1994 in US and 2015 in CA
  • Purpose: Prerequisite to nurse licensure in the USA and Canada
  • Scores / grades used by: State Boards of Nursing in United States and Board of Nursing in 10 Canadian provinces
  • Developer / administrator: National Council of State Boards of Nursing
  • Prerequisites / eligibility criteria: Candidate must be a recent graduate of an accredited nursing school. Fluency in English assumed
  • NCLEX RN: For registered nurses (RNs), who have additional education and greater responsibility.
  • NCLEX PN: For practical or vocational nurses (LPNs/LVNs—the terms are used interchangeably in different states), the most entry-level of the licensed nursing positions


What is Nclex Exam